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Welcome environmental enthusiasts to join the ranks of waste battery collection

Tens of thousands of Chinese retailers, enterprises and institutions, communities, government agencies and the public are welcome to participate in recycling programs to protect the environment, help energy recycling and give recycled materials a second life. Your behavior will be praised by the society. In short, in order to protect the beautiful planet on which we live, please call the national consultation hotline 400-888-6821 to participate in our environmental protection plan!



2011 Shenzhen International Ocean Cleanup Day and Blue Declaration

The ocean is rich in natural resources. It is the cradle of all life of mankind and the earth. It is also the blue home where we live and grow happily. Protecting the ocean is to protect our future. Our home is a coastal city famous for its beautiful scenery, charming scenery and developed economy. With the rapid economic development, its offshore resources are deteriorating, and the contradiction between population, resources and environment is becoming increasingly prominent. Protecting the marine environment, on which we depend, has become our immediate responsibility. To this end, with the strong support of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Oceanography, Shenzhen Blue Marine Environmental Protection Association, host l20



Sina "Green Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Influence Model Activity" Help me to Ticket

In the tide of China's green economy, green small and medium-sized enterprises can be said to be the vanguard. Compared with the large and medium-sized enterprises in the traditional manufacturing industry, green small and medium-sized enterprises have a more timely and flexible grasp of new technologies and new directions, which often brings great enlightenment to the transformation of China's economic development model. But on the other hand, compared with large enterprises, green small and medium-sized enterprises generally lack attention from all walks of life, face challenges in financing, management and other links, and are more difficult to develop. In order to promote the effective management and healthy development of China's green small and medium-sized enterprises, and attract the attention of the government and the investment community to green small and medium-sized enterprises, in 2011, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology



What is low-carbon life? What is its lifestyle?

Low-carbon life try "low-carbon life" "low-carbon life (lowcarbonliving)", it is refers to the life work and rest of the energy consumption to reduce, thereby reducing carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for us ordinary people, is an attitude, not an ability. We should actively promote and practice low-carbon life, pay attention to electricity saving, fuel saving, and solar terms, starting from bit by bit. In China, the annual per capita CO2 emission is 2.7 tons, but even if a white-collar worker in a city has only 40 square meters of living space, drives a 1.6L car to and from work, and flies 12 times a year, the carbon emission will be 26